It includes the first complete explanation of the complex business of power amplifier distortion. It shows how the many sources of non-linearity can be eliminated or minimised, allowing amplifiers to be designed and constructed with performance that would have been thought impossible a few years ago. It provides information that is indispensable whether you are making one amplifier for the ultimate home system, or setting up a production line to make 10,000 units a year.
THE CONTENTS INCLUDE: New Findings in amplifier design Science & Subjectivism The Performance Requirements How Negative Feedback really works The Eleven Distortion Mechanisms Diagnosis via distortion residuals The input stage: how it can cancel distortion The Voltage-Amplifier Stage Output stages Amplifiers and reactive loads Anomalous loudspeaker behaviour Interchannel crosstalk Compensation, Slew-Rate, and Stability Power Supplies and PSRR Class-A amplifiers, with a design example Class-G amplifiers FET output stages Load Invariant Power Amplifiers Thermal compensation and thermal dynamics Amplifier and Loudspeaker protection Grounding systems Mechanical design constraints Testing, Fault-finding and safety requirements NEW TO THE THE SIXTH EDITION: The characteristics of the audio signal The principles of distortion Feedback intermodulation distortion The five-stage amplifier architecture Auxiliary amplifiers Non-switching output stages Error correction VAS distortion explained Push-pull VAS configurations Output-inclusive compensation Output inductor design Power dissipation and design A Brief History of solid-state power amplifiers . and much more In addition, five amplifier design examples that illustrate important design principles are examined and measured in detail. These can be straightforwardly adapted to specific requirements.